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Department of Educational Administration, Foundations, and Research
College of Education and Human Development


Our mission is to prepare courageous, responsive, 以及具有反思能力的领导者,他们将引导教育社区走向卓越,并维持所有候选人和教职员工有效利用他们的思想和心灵的学校.

Become A Leader

教育领导系提供澳门皇冠体育,旨在帮助学生发展领导技能,这是当今K-12学校有效领导者所必需的, and for educators who are interested in becoming administrators or leaders in other educational agencies.  The department offers six advanced leadership degrees.

Message from the Interim Chair

Welcome to the Department of Educational Administration, Foundations, and Research (EAFR) in the College of Education and Human Development at Jackson State University. We are committed to excellence in graduate studies in the field of education. 它是大学结构中一个独特的实体,因为它完全专注于高级学位,每年培养的博士毕业生数量是大学内任何部门中最多的.

EAFR部门提供澳门皇冠体育,旨在帮助学生发展领导技能,这是当今K-12学校有效领导者所必需的, and for educators who are interested in becoming administrators or leaders in other educational agencies.  The department offers give advanced leadership degrees.

Our mission is to prepare courageous, responsive, 以及具有反思能力的领导者,他们将引导教育社区走向卓越,并维持所有候选人和教职员工有效利用他们的思想和心灵的学校.

We are eager to speak with you about programs. Contact our office today!

Dr. Albert Carter

Interim Chair/Assistant Professor

General Requirements/Curriculum


  1. Admission Requirements
  2. Accreditation
  3. Internship
  4. K12 Masters and Specialist Program Assessments
  5. Programs of Study
  6. Resources

Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements for K12 Programs

  • Standard Educator License
  • Minimum of 3 years of teaching experience
  • Complete application on file with the Graduation
  • Submission of transcripts
  • Minimum GPA: 2.75
  • Successful Interview
  •  Successful writing assessment and dispositions review (MS Ed Leadership

Admission Requirements for Higher Education Programs

  • Higher Education experience
  • Complete application on file with the Graduation
  • Submission of transcripts
  • Minimum GPA: 2.5
  • Successful Interview
  • Successful writing assessment


  • 学院的最后一次认证访问是在2015年根据NCATE(国家教师教育认证委员会)标准进行的.
  • 教育学院于2022年12月根据CAEP(教育工作者准备认证委员会)标准进行了一次认证访问.
  • 教育学院于2020年成功通过了密西西比州教育部国家认证过程和绩效评估.


K12 Programs Embedded Internship

  • Three components are included in a successful field experience: observation, practice, and guided reflection. 现场主管(在许可区域寻找持牌管理员)应该让学生有机会在执行与特定许可区域相关的职责时观察和协助他/她. 现场主管还应在制定符合教育领导者专业标准的活动中充当导师和促进者
    (PSEL) allowing as much practice in competencies as feasible. The student should use written reflection as a tool for learning as the field experience progresses.
    **Field Experience Manual

Higher Education Programs

  • Each program has an Internship/Mentorship course in which students must
    shadow and complete internship activities related to higher education. The
    student will be assigned to a mentor by JSU faculty.

K12 Masters and Specialist Program Assessments

These programs include 4 assessments created through the Mississippi Ed Leadership Faculty Association. 来自密西西比州所有州的Ed Leadership候选人必须在获得学位之前成功完成这些评估.

  1. 这是一项全州范围的关键评估,评估候选人分析复杂数据集(汇总统计)以确定学校优势和劣势的能力.
  2. 专业成长系统评估这是一项全州范围内的通用评估,旨在评估学生对密西西比州使用的教师评估系统的知识和能力.
  3. 学校安全评估这是一项全国性的通用评估,评估考生在假设场景中分析复杂学校安全事件的能力.
  4. 这是一项全州范围内的通用评估,评估考生在开发有效的校本管理/资源系统和学校-社区伙伴关系方面的能力.

Programs of Study


Masters in Educational Administration and Supervision K12 Online

The Masters program is 33 hours and fully online. 它围绕着一套学术和基于现场的经验而设计,为寻求对教育领导动态有更深入理解的候选人提供知识和技能.

This program leads to principal certification in Mississippi. This allows an individual to serve as an assistant principal, principal, or in district-level leadership positions. 课程设计让学生全面了解开始的领导概念和活动.

学生通过注重理论与实践的联系来积极影响学生的学习成果,从而培养领导学校和地区改进工作所需的性格. The program is aligned to the PSEL, NELP, and CAEP standards.

This program admits year-round: fall, spring, and summer.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Albert Carter

Program Goals

Students will be able to understand and analyze leadership theories and practices of instruction, curriculum development, assessment, and leadership.





Student Learning Objectives


教育管理硕士课程的毕业生能够围绕共同的目标实施和组织学校和社区与其他组成团体的伙伴关系,以使学校项目受益, student learning, and promote equitable educational resources and opportunities.


教育管理硕士课程的毕业生能够以个性化和多样化的方式检查学生的特殊和复杂的教育需求,并倡导包容性, equitable and culturally responsive instructional behavior support practices.

Specialist in Educational Administration and Supervision K12 (Online)

The Specialist program is 33 hours and fully online. 它围绕着一套学术和基于现场的经验而设计,为寻求对教育领导动态有更深入理解的候选人提供知识和技能. The focus is more on district level leadership and school improvement with a research component.

This program leads to principal certification in Mississippi. This allows an individual to serve as an assistant principal, principal, or in district-level leadership positions. 课程设计让学生全面了解更先进的领导理念和活动.

通过关注联系理论,培养学生领导学校和地区改进工作所需的性格, research and practice to positively affect student outcomes. The program is aligned to the PSEL, NELP, and CAEP standards.

This program admits year-round: fall, spring, and summer.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Chandar Lewis


Program Goals

Students will be able to understand and analyze leadership theories and practices of instruction, curriculum development, assessment, and leadership.


学生将能够识别和实施各种形式的文化响应策略,以提高领导力, teaching, and learning.

Students will be able to design and implement continuous professional development to support leadership, learning, and teaching.


Students will be able to apply educational research techniques to implement data-driven decision making.

Student Learning Objectives

Graduates of the Specialist in Educational Administration program are able to examine, critique, and design systems of staff evaluation and supervision.

Graduates of the Specialist in Educational Administration program are able to implement, organize, 并评估学校和社区与其他组成团体围绕共同目标的合作关系,以使学校项目受益, student learning, and promote equitable educational resources and opportunities.

Graduates of the Specialist in Educational Administration program are able to organize, appraise, 并构建一个框架,以检查教育领导的重要事项,并开发一个成功的学校模式,以支持每个学生的未来成功和福祉.

教育管理专家课程的毕业生能够以个性化和多样化的方式检查学生的特殊和复杂的教育需求,并倡导, support, and create inclusive, equitable and culturally responsive instructional behavior support practices.

Ph.D in Educational Administration and Supervision K12

The educational leadership program advances the development and practice of effective educational leadership.

该计划针对教育领导者的专业需求,并支持他们在一流学校的长期职业目标, school districts and other education agencies in a complex, highly competitive global environment.

This program prepares students with the skills, knowledge, and real-world experiences to provide direction within a dynamic educational landscape. Students are engaged through content focusing on superintendency preparation, as well as for positions in state education agencies, education research centers, and executive-level positions in both urban and rural districts. The program is aligned to the PSEL, NELP, and CAEP standards.

This program admits only in the fall.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Jennifer Young-Wallace

Program Goals

Students will be able to understand and analyze leadership theories and practices of instruction, curriculum development, assessment, and leadership.


学生将能够实施和支持各种形式的文化响应策略,以提高领导力, teaching, and learning.

Students will be able to design and implement continuous professional development to support leadership, learning, and teaching.

Students will be able to implement, assess and create a variety of technological strategies to facilitate learning and administration.


Student Learning Objectives

Graduates of the PhD in Educational Administration program are able to examine, critique, develop, and design systems of staff evaluation and supervision.

教育管理博士课程的毕业生能够围绕共同的目标与其他组成团体建立学校和社区伙伴关系,从而使学校项目受益, student learning, and promote equitable educational resources and opportunities.

Graduates of the PhD in Educational Administration program are able to organize, appraise, 并构建一个框架,以检查教育领导的重要事项,并开发一个成功的学校模式,以支持每个学生的未来成功和福祉.

教育管理博士课程的毕业生能够以个性化和多样化的方式检查学生的特殊和复杂的教育需求,并倡导和支持包容性, equitable and culturally responsive instructional behavior support practices.

Specialist in Higher Education (Online)

本课程专为想要成为高校行政领导的专业人士而设计. Through coursework and real-world experience, students will learn about the contemporary higher education system and how to lead from within it. Our aim is to prepare students to be professionals who can utilize theoretical perspectives, an understanding of research, and knowledge of data analysis to develop programs, initiatives and policy, and make decisions. Coursework is grounded in research, existing higher education policy and forthcoming initiatives, and the use of data.

Program Goals

As independent scholars, students will be able to conduct, complete, and report (orally and in writing) the findings of scholarly research projects using basic qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed-methods approaches on currently trending topics in higher education administration.

Students will understand the common yet unique histories, structures, 各种类型高等教育机构的使命和运作实践,以成功地担任领导者, administrators, and faculty on the collegiate level.

Students will be able to lead at the collegiate level when faced with current issues such as political, economical, social, educational, and health-related instances that impact society.

Students will be able to communicate researched-based findings on issues including but not limited to, diversity, inclusion, 以及高等教育的公平性以及这些关系在政治和社会背景下如何在当地发挥作用, state, and federal levels.

Students will be able to effectively implement and utilize the latest technology in teaching, research, and all unique practices and daily operations in higher education.

This program admits year-round: fall, spring, and summer.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Ronald Walker

Student Learning Objectives

Graduates of the program effectively and correctly conduct, analyze, and report data-based results of scholarly research studies as independent, progressive, and proactive researchers in Higher Education using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods designs in order to create, perpetuate and expand innovative programs, legal-based policies and procedures, and best-practices necessary at the collegiate level.

该课程的毕业生充分理解实践和促进多样性等社会和法律问题的社会重要性和法律必要性, inclusion, and equity among all levels of university
功能和创建反映和加强校园最佳实践的项目,并强调它们在形成当地社区的重要性和必要性, national, and international relations among corporate, governmental, and private agencies beyond the campus proper.

该课程的毕业生在高等教育中拥有当前的技术技能和对历史起源的充分理解, social and legal developments, unique missions, types of
governance, 以及对社会需求的回应,这些需求共同定义了现代高等教育机构,以便有效地领导各级大学的运作.

Ph.D. in Higher Education

The program prepares students for a career as a college and university administrator, institutional researcher, policy analyst, and faculty member. Students will be equipped to recognize significant issues and their value assumptions, identify problems needing research, 设计和承担有可能直接应用于特定高等教育环境的原创学术研究项目. Students will also receive supervised training in the teaching of higher education as a field of study.

Since the PhD is a scholarly degree, the core objective of this degree program is to prepare researchers of the highest quality. Our program engages in broad explorations of higher, and of the contexts that shape the enterprise and its activities. Ph.D. students conclude their program by writing a dissertation that, though focused on a particular research problem within higher and postsecondary education, reflects the deep understanding of knowledge structures underpinning a particular area of inquiry.

Doctoral dissertations are required to have a strong theoretical orientation. Ph.D. students conduct dissertation research in a wide variety of topical areas, but many of them select research aligned with the strengths of the faculty.

This program admits only in the fall.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Ronald Walker

Program Goals

As independent scholars, students will be able to conduct, complete, and report (orally and in writing) the findings of scholarly research projects using qualitative, 定量和/或混合方法的方法在当前高等教育管理的热门话题.

Students will understand the common yet unique histories, structures, 各种类型高等教育机构的使命和运作实践,以成功地担任领导者,
administrators, and faculty on the collegiate level.

Students will be able to lead at the collegiate level when faced with current issues such as political, economical, social, and health-related instances that impact society.

Students will be able to communicate researched-based findings on issues including but not limited to, inclusion, diversity, 以及高等教育的公平性以及这些关系在政治和社会背景下如何在当地发挥作用, state, and federal levels.

Students will be able to effectively implement and utilize the latest technological advances in teaching, research, and all unique practices and daily operations in higher education.

Student Learning Objectives

Graduates of the program conduct, analyze, and report data-based results of scholarly research studies as independent, progressive, and proactive researchers in Higher Education using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods designs in order to create, perpetuate and expand innovative programs, legal-based policies and procedures, and best-practices necessary at the collegiate level.

该课程的毕业生充分理解实践和促进多样性等社会和法律问题的社会重要性和法律必要性, inclusion, 以及各级大学功能之间的公平,并创建反映和加强校园最佳实践的项目,并强调它们在形成地方的重要性和必要性, national, and international relations among corporate, governmental, and private agencies beyond the campus proper.

该课程的毕业生在充分了解历史起源的情况下从事高等教育, social and legal developments, unique missions, types of governance, 以及对社会需求的回应,这些需求共同定义了现代高等教育机构,以便有效地领导各级大学的运作.


NELP and PSEL Standards (for School and District Leaders):

  • Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) replaced ISLLC
    Standards.  They define educational leadership broadly and aim to ensure district
    and school leaders are able to improve student achievement and meet new,
    higher expectations.
  • National Educational Leadership Preparation Standards (NELP)
    replaced the ELCC Standards. They specify what novice leaders and program
    graduates should know and be able to do as a result of completing a high quality
    educational leadership preparation program.

Mississippi Department of Education Office of Licensure

Mississippi Department of Education Office of Educator Preparation


Developing Educational Leadership
Our degree in educational administration, foundations, 研究是一项学术项目,为学生提供在教育机构担任领导角色所需的知识和技能. 课程的完成取决于部门设定的路线,涵盖了与教育管理相关的一系列主题, policy, and research. The curriculum for an educational administration, foundations, and research degree includes courses in educational leadership, educational policy and politics, organizational theory, research methods, and data analysis. Students also take courses in curriculum development, educational psychology, and instructional design to gain a broad understanding of the educational system and the needs of learners.


In addition to classroom instruction, educational administration, foundations, 研究型学位课程通常为学生提供通过实习获得实践经验的机会, practicums, and research projects. 这些经历使学生能够发展实用技能,并获得在教育机构工作的实际经验.

“Challenging Minds, Changing Lives.”


Graduates of educational administration, foundations, 研究型学位课程为在教育机构中担任各种领导角色做好了充分的准备, including principals, superintendents, and other administrative positions. They have the skills and knowledge needed to develop and implement effective policies and programs, manage budgets, and work collaboratively with stakeholders to achieve educational goals.


Educational Administration, Foundations, and Research graduates have a plethora of career options:

Superintendent Academic Dean Assistant Dean of Students Director of Career Services
Provost Chief Academic Officer Dean of Admissions Director of Academic Advising


Join our esteemed educational leadership program upon entry.

Want to learn more? Click below to view the admission steps.



Graduate School Admission

Important Dates

Featured Alumni




For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-2351.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.


Mailing Address

College of Education and Human Development
Attention: Dr. Albert Carter
P.O. Box 17175
Jackson, MS 39217


Dr. Albert W. Carter (601) 979-1008